Evangelist Mike Pelletier has been in full-time evangelism since his graduation from Bob Jones University in 1988. He has preached in nearly every state of the USA, and in several foreign countries.
Mike was born June 5, 1965, in Kankakee, Illinois. He accepted Christ as Savior when he was six years old. Soon after Mike's salvation, his father committed suicide leaving his mother to raise five small children alone. This tragedy in Mike's childhood has been used by the Lord to develop a deep compassion for hurting people, and has enabled Mike to better minister to those in need.
He attended and graduated from Grace Baptist Academy in Kankakee, Illinois. He received a B.A. degree in Bible in 1988 from Bob Jones University. While attending the Univeristy, Mike traveled two semesters with the Minutemen Evangelistic Team, a team designed to reach the public school teenagers of America with the message of salvation.
In June 1986, Mike was invited to train under Evangelist Ron Comfort for 4-weeks. He traveled full-time with the Ron Comfort Evangelistic Team, ministering primarily to teens. After a few years, Mike began his own ministry, and has since then been conducting revival meetings on his own.
In December 1988, Mike married Rebecca (Becky) Comfort. God has blessed Mike and Becky with 3 children; Drew, born March 25, 1991; Allegra, born December 19, 1993; and Aubrey, born October 1, 1995.
At the turn of the millennium, Mike founded OutReach 2000 National Ministries involving independent, fundamental churches nationwide in area-wide evangelistic crusades. Over 900 people trusted Christ as Saviour through these wonderful meetings. He has also been involved in a church planting effort called Plant America Ministries. Two churches were started under this umbrella.
Evangelist Pelletier and his family continue to travel the country approximately 40 weeks of each year holding revival meetings. They travel over-seas on a yearly basis as well, preaching the gospel in foreign fields. He has a fire burning in his heart for revival and evangelism in our day.